En1977 born Dominican Republic (Santiago) from a very early age I was inclined to the arts in love with the shapes and colors. In 1994 he studied fine arts in 1997, joining the Univercidad in2001 Autonoma de Santo Domingo (UASD) to study commercial art. (ESPOSICINES GROUP) 1996.1997 Eposicion Fine Arts Students, 1997 liceo cultural week mexico santiago2001 Univercidad Autonoma Santo Domingo, 2001 image of a life 37 * the tables, 2002 Competition Hervet, 2002 Fine Arts Artes2003 Exprecivo Santiago Cultural Centre, 2004 Cenrto Cultural Dominico Americano, 2006 Centre of Culture INDIVIDUAL 2005 First Single (Orizont PERPETUAL)